Spectacular product features can’t overcome poor service

Tuesday, May 30, 2017 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

The ability to deal with people is as purchasable a commodity as sugar or coffee and I will pay more for that ability than for any other under the sun.
John D. Rockefeller 

From MJ de Marco book 

Nothing overcomes poor human experiences!
You could own the best hotel in the world located on the best beach in California, but if customers are treated like inconveniences and requests go unfulfilled, they won't return.

How do you get to have a wonderful service? No company can pay a lot because people want good service but decent prices so how do you create a wonderful service without paying huge amounts of money.

you can do 3 things

a)Praise and pay for outstanding service and let all the company to know 1 outstanding story every month. pay & praise. kind of employee of the month in the MacDonalds

b)People are what they are, if there is two or 3 events with an employee just let him go. there are employees with people skills and ones that don't have. just clean the house every month

c)Treat your costumers and your employees in the same way. decently. to be an asshole with your employees and very nice with the clients does't work.

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