MAD Cow disease II

Thursday, February 27, 2020 Francisco 0 Comments

a pandemic of fear

Is Covid-19 a serious thing?  NO I am not a doctor but I say NO . I saw enough. It can kill some people yes.

1,6 Million die each year of Diarrhea Diseases

2000 so far of Coronavirus

let's stop the world because of Coronavirus

This officially started on the 24th of January but it took several days /weeks to reach Europe. This is fast??? 

apparently only sick and old people dye like the FLU (less numbers) 

The Governments are taking the opportunity to do more, more governments more control more checks more spending more everything

To me this is a joke

I was here in Portugal when there was the Mad Cow disease where no one eat BEEF there was panic. How many people died of MAD COW disease? ZERO 

Of course if people think this is a serious thing This is a serious thing.

There is a lot of people (Journalists that want the worse) 

Look what Ed yardeni Says ! 

“Extreme government responses aimed at containing the virus, while effective, will create a pandemic of fear, increasing the risk of a global recession and bear market in stocks,” Yardeni writes. Yardeni had previously identified 65 “panic attacks” during the bull market and believes the coronavirus may have the dubious honor of being the 66th. While taking effort not to minimize the suffering of those afflicted and killed by the virus, Yardeni notes that more people have died from the flu this year, and that more than 80% of coronavirus cases are said to be mild.

Leading cause of death (2016) (world)

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